Balancing AI and Human Expertise at zolviz

At zolviz, we recognize the immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of interior design. AI can automate processes, generate designs, and offer recommendations. However, our approach distinguishes us from others in the industry – we value the personalized touch of human expertise.

The Role of AI

AI undoubtedly brings efficiency and innovation to the design process. It can analyze vast amounts of data, generate design options, and provide quick solutions. We embrace AI for its capabilities in streamlining tasks and assisting in various aspects of the design journey.

Human-Centered Design

What sets zolviz apart is our unwavering commitment to providing a personalized and human-centered experience. While AI has its place, we believe that real people, with their creativity, intuition, and empathy, are invaluable in understanding your unique needs and aspirations.

Real Products, Real Measures, Real Colors

At zolviz, we take pride in creating 3D visualizations that are grounded in reality. We use real products, accurate measurements, and true-to-life colors to ensure that your designs are not based on fake images or products. This authenticity gives you the confidence to bring your vision to life.

Human Experts for Personalized Service

We specialize in helping you find the right real items for your space. Our experts can recommend furniture, decor, and accessories that align with your style and preferences, making your design choices more informed and tailored to your vision.

Embracing AI with Moderation

While we appreciate the capabilities of AI, we believe in using it judiciously. AI can assist, but it should never replace the human touch when it comes to understanding your individual needs and creating designs that resonate with you.

What does zolviz cost?

At zolviz, we specialize in 3D visualizations of common areas in homes. However, our advanced 3D Visualization system can cater to most spaces within a residence. Curious about the investment for a zolviz 3D Visualization? Pricing is generally determined by square meterage, with a typical rate of €200 per square meter. Below are our pricing brackets:

Small Spaces (2-10m²)

Starting at around €400, includes one review session.

€400 - €2000

Medium Spaces (10-24m²)

Pricing ranges from €2000 to €4800 and includes two review sessions.

€2000 - €4800

Large Spaces (25+m²)

Estimates range from €5000+ and come with three review sessions.

*Check our Honest Pricing Concept

So how do you price your space?

The first step is to Book a Meeting with us (€99 for 1-hour video appointment) Our user-friendly Book a Meeting form uses simple information about your space and preferences to provide a price estimate. We then work with you to develop an approach that will achieve your goals.

Book a Meeting

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