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What does zolviz cost?

At zolviz, we specialize in 3D visualizations of common areas in homes. However, our advanced 3D Visualization system can cater to most spaces within a residence. Curious about the investment for a zolviz 3D Visualization? Pricing is generally determined by square meterage, with a typical rate of €200 per square meter. Below are our pricing brackets:

Small Spaces (2-10m²)

Starting at around €400, includes one review session.

€400 - €2000

Medium Spaces (10-24m²)

Pricing ranges from €2000 to €4800 and includes two review sessions.

€2000 - €4800

Large Spaces (25+m²)

Estimates range from €5000+ and come with three review sessions.

*Check our Honest Pricing Concept

So how do you price your space?

The first step is to Book a Meeting with us (€99 for 1-hour video appointment) Our user-friendly Book a Meeting form uses simple information about your space and preferences to provide a price estimate. We then work with you to develop an approach that will achieve your goals.

Book a Meeting

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