How it Works step-by-step

Creating a room layout shouldn't be a challenge. We've crafted a user-friendly roadmap, leading you effortlessly toward your refreshed living area.

1. Upload Your Vision

Quickly and effortlessly begin your design journey by sharing essential details about your space. Easily upload photos of your space, precise dimensions, and your selected images. Our user-friendly  <strong>Book a Meeting form </strong> even accommodates additional elements like your IKEA plans link, Pinterest moodboard, Etsy objects, square meters, space dimensions, type of space, like kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living room or other, as well as sketches that offer insight into your vision.

Quickly and effortlessly begin your design journey by sharing essential details about your space. Easily upload photos of your space, precise dimensions, and your selected images.

Our user-friendly Book a Meeting form even accommodates additional elements like your IKEA plans link, Pinterest moodboard, Etsy objects, square meters, space dimensions, type of space, like kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living room or other, as well as sketches that offer insight into your vision.

€58 - 1 hour video appointment*
*Check our Honest Pricing Concept

2. Personalized Introduction

Upon receiving your submission, a dedicated expert from our team will reach out</strong> with a warm introduction to our services and confirm our meeting. During our 1-hour video appointment, a zolviz Expert will delve into the specifics of your space, present our preliminary ideas tailored to your needs, and discuss the associated fees*.

Upon receiving your submission, a dedicated expert from our team will reach out with a warm introduction to our services and confirm our meeting.

During our 1-hour video appointment, a zolviz Expert will delve into the specifics of your space, present our preliminary ideas tailored to your needs, and discuss the associated fees*.

After this appointment you will receive:
  • An email link for the initial fee payment*.
  • Upon payment, gain access to a personalized login account.
  • Explore your interactive dashboard with a dynamic timeline.
  • Email notification and plan our progress review meeting.
  • A refund of 99EUR from this booking service after pay the initial fee.
*Check our Honest Pricing Concept
*What does zolviz cost?

3. Unveiling Dashboard

After our initial meeting, we will send you an email containing a secure link to complete the initial fee payment and set your password. Once this payment is processed, you will receive your exclusive access to your personalized login account, unveiling your interactive dashboard. This dashboard showcases the journey ahead, complete with a dynamic timeline illustrating the estimated duration for your 3D visualizations completion—typically no more than two weeks. When your visualization is ready, we will notify you via email.

After our initial meeting, we'll send you an email containing a secure link to complete the initial fee payment and set your password.

Once this payment is processed, you'll receive your exclusive access to your personalized login account, unveiling your interactive dashboard.

This dashboard showcases the journey ahead, complete with a dynamic timeline illustrating the estimated duration for your 3D visualization's completion—typically no more than two weeks. When your visualization is ready, we'll notify you via email.

Uncover a range of features:
  • Product lists.
  • Object swaps.
  • Additional 3d renderings.
Images previews also offers:
  • Artificial light.
  • Natural Light.
  • Play Day/Night Video.
  • Download PDF plan.
Download a detailed PDF:
  • 3D high-resolution images.
  • Product list.
  • Approximate cost analysis.
  • Light simulations.
Customize via Dashboard:
  • Add new objects.
  • Adjust tiles, walls, materials.
  • Opt for home delivery.
  • Book additional Meetings.

What does zolviz cost?

At zolviz, we specialize in 3D visualizations of common areas in homes. However, our advanced 3D Visualization system can cater to most spaces within a residence. Curious about the investment for a zolviz 3D Visualization? Pricing is generally determined by square meterage, with a typical rate of €200 per square meter. Below are our pricing brackets:

Small Spaces (2-10m²)

Starting at around €400, includes one review session.

€400 - €2000

Medium Spaces (10-24m²)

Pricing ranges from €2000 to €4800 and includes two review sessions.

€2000 - €4800

Large Spaces (25+m²)

Estimates range from €5000+ and come with three review sessions.

*Check our Honest Pricing Concept

So how do you price your space?

The first step is to Book a Meeting with us (€99 for 1-hour video appointment) Our user-friendly Book a Meeting form uses simple information about your space and preferences to provide a price estimate. We then work with you to develop an approach that will achieve your goals.

Book a Meeting

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