Discover answers to your inquiries about our design process, objects, and advantages. Get insights into zolviz's approach to crafting exceptional spaces.

Do I have to have an IKEA plan or other technical plan to start?

No, you don't. The basic requirements to get started are a few photos of the space and its dimensions, including height and depth. You can also share additional information like your moodboard, square meters, links and any sketches that offer insight into your vision.

I like my existing space. Can I just update the color or materials on the walls?

Absolutely! This service is perfect for that. We'll recreate your current space in 3D and then provide you with variations of different colors or materials for walls and even floors.

How accurate are the visualizations in terms of size, fittings, and materials?

The accuracy depends on the details and measurements you provide. While our 3D visualization is a powerful online tool, some specific requirements might need extra information or consultation with an expert to ensure they're feasible in your space.

What if I want to add a specific object that's not in the initial scope?

You can easily do that by using our "Review Call" feature. from an small item to the whole design. This can be anything from furniture to decor items that you find online.

How many review calls can I have with your team?

You can have as many as you want, depending on your space size: small (1 review), average (2 reviews), and large (3 reviews). Additional review calls beyond your package come at a cost of 10% of the space per call.

What will I get from a project?

You'll begin with an introduction meeting where we'll discuss your assets and preferences. We'll provide you with suggestions through a moodboard. In about 2-3 weeks, you'll receive access to your 3D visualization in a login dashboard account. You'll see two options based on our suggestions and your assets. You'll also find options to test artificial and natural lighting, a list of objects with approximate prices, a chat for expert review, and a PDF download option.

What is the difference between objects and structural space assets?

Objects are replaceable elements like furniture and decor that can be switched without a review call. Structural assets like wall finishes or floor coverings, on the other hand, impact the space and need review and discussion for updates or changes.

How many objects and structural assets will I have in a project?

You'll receive a list with 6 to 20 elements, depending on your requirements and space size. Each item will include a link where you can buy or find it. We can also assist you in purchasing and delivering items, even if they're not available in your region.

Can I use your services for my coffee shop, restaurant, or store?

Absolutely! We also offer commercial services for businesses. Feel free to reach out, and we can discuss pricing and timing based on your specific needs.

Can I collaborate if I'm an interior designer or architect?

Yes, we're open to collaboration with professionals in the design field, including interior designers, architects, landscape designers, and artists. We even offer discounts for collaborations.

I want to work on multiple spaces, like my entire house. Is there a discount?

While we don't offer discounts, we can certainly discuss a package price for multiple spaces. Each space is treated as a separate project, ensuring clarity and the ability to revisit and explore each one individually.

What does zolviz cost?

At zolviz, we specialize in 3D visualizations of common areas in homes. However, our advanced 3D Visualization system can cater to most spaces within a residence. Curious about the investment for a zolviz 3D Visualization? Pricing is generally determined by square meterage, with a typical rate of €200 per square meter. Below are our pricing brackets:

Small Spaces (2-10m²)

Starting at around €400, includes one review session.

€400 - €2000

Medium Spaces (10-24m²)

Pricing ranges from €2000 to €4800 and includes two review sessions.

€2000 - €4800

Large Spaces (25+m²)

Estimates range from €5000+ and come with three review sessions.

*Check our Honest Pricing Concept

So how do you price your space?

The first step is to Book a Meeting with us (€99 for 1-hour video appointment) Our user-friendly Book a Meeting form uses simple information about your space and preferences to provide a price estimate. We then work with you to develop an approach that will achieve your goals.

Book a Meeting

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